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Per assicurarsi che non riceviate niente di meno di quello che avete concordato, vincoliamo l'importo totale della prenotazione fino al giorno del vostro arrivo all'annuncio.
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Garantiamo che tutti gli annunci su BednBlue sono esattamente come appaiono. imparare di più
Assistente personale
Dal momento della prenotazione, un rappresentante di BednBlue saprà tutto sul vostro viaggio e sarà lì per assistervi in qualsiasi momento ne abbiate bisogno.
Fantastic. The boat gave us a perfect adventure. The first day at sea with 28 kts of wind we sailed by sail. In the afternoon we arrived to Jelsa - a beautiful harbour & city. While there in the early evening majestic ships arrived. Dinner on the pier within 5 meters of our boat. Next day the sea was quit as silk. We sailed along the Island and went into one of the many lagune for a swim & with the rubberboat in the water. It was like Jacque Coustau adventures.
The owner Sebastian is tense about his boat - that his guest will take good care of the boat. We fully understand.
We had a lifetime adventure out of Tûcepi, Croatia
Fantastic. The boat gave us a perfect adventure. The first day at sea with 28 kts of wind we sailed by sail. In the afternoon we arrived to Jelsa - a beautiful harbour & city. While there in the early evening majestic ships arrived. Dinner on the pier within 5 meters of our boat. Next day the sea was quit as silk. We sailed along the Island and went into one of the many lagune for a swim & with the rubberboat in the water. It was like Jacque Coustau adventures. The owner Sebastian is tense about his boat - that his guest will take good care of the boat. We fully understand. We had a lifetime adventure out of Tûcepi, Croatia