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BednBlue Guarantee
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Garantiamo che su BednBlue, tutti gli annunci sono offerti al prezzo più basso del mercato.
Garanzia di rimborso
Per assicurarsi che non riceviate niente di meno di quello che avete concordato, vincoliamo l'importo totale della prenotazione fino al giorno del vostro arrivo all'annuncio.
Accuratezza dell'elenco
Garantiamo che tutti gli annunci su BednBlue sono esattamente come appaiono. imparare di più
Assistente personale
Dal momento della prenotazione, un rappresentante di BednBlue saprà tutto sul vostro viaggio e sarà lì per assistervi in qualsiasi momento ne abbiate bisogno.
Petros and his family, were excellent!!...Excellent behaviour and communication spirit !! They kept their good mood, smile and sense of humour at all times, even in the rough sea!! Moreover, Petros took over and the role of a very useful and credible extra deck hand, while docking in difficult harbours!
Was a pleasure to have Petros and his family in our S/Y and sincerely hope to re welcome them on board again!! Till then, our best wishes be always with!
Petros and his family, were excellent!!...Excellent behaviour and communication spirit !! They kept their good mood, smile and sense of humour at all times, even in the rough sea!! Moreover, Petros took over and the role of a very useful and credible extra deck hand, while docking in difficult harbours! Was a pleasure to have Petros and his family in our S/Y and sincerely hope to re welcome them on board again!! Till then, our best wishes be always with!